cTrap utvecklades ur ett doktorandprojekt vid Lunds Universitet (Pawel Markowicz 2014: Determination and control of some pollutants in indoor environments). cTrap möjliggör en mätbart radikal minskning av emissioner från byggnad och upplevd förbättring av kvalitén på inomhusluften. Se till exempel NSB2020, UCL Open samt RIA för forskningsartiklar som inte är låsta (s.k. open access).
Vi har publicerat ett antal kortare artiklar – s.k. proceedings – i samband med att vi har presenterat på konferenser. Kontakta oss för vidare information om dessa.
- Larsson/Markowicz/Mattsson: Use of a surface emissions trap for improving the indoor air quality by efficient exposure reduction. Int Conference on Building Physics, 14-17 June 2015, Torino.
- Larsson/Mattsson: Improving the indoor air quality in damp buildings by using a surface emissions trap. Cobee, 5-9 February 2018, Melbourne.
- Mattsson/Lehtimaa/Larsson. An emissions barrier stops spread of moisture driven emissions from buildings into the indoor air. ICMB21, 28-29 June 2021, London.
- Larsson/Mattsson/Lehtimaa: Achieving a healthy indoor air by using an emissions barrier Healthy Buildings, 21-23 June 2021, Oslo.
- Larsson/Mattsson/Lehtimaa: Curing building related illnesses by using an emissions barrier Int Conference on Building Physics, 25-27 August 2021, Copenhagen.
- Mattsson/Lehtimaa/Larsson: Using an emissions barrier for controlling radon in indoor air. Indoor Air, 12-16 June 2022, Kuopio.
- Larsson/Mattsson: An emissions barrier stops spread of harmful emissions from a building into the indoor air. Cobee, 25-29 July 2022, Montreal.
- Larsson/Mattsson: Managing harmful floor emissions including 2-ethylhexanol by using an emissions barrier. IAQVEC, 20-23 May 2023, Tokyo.
- Mattsson/Larsson/Bloech: Controlling PAH in indoor air by using an emissions barrier. Healthy Buildings, 11-14 June 2023, Aachen.